July 31, 2004

for the much awaited update!!

first, an apology to all you avid reader out there for being as bad at updating as my sister (HA! zing! take that ro!!) speaking of dating, me and yvette are now official, which i'm sure is a real big surprise to anyone who heard i was around, but was unable to locate me due to our frequent private getaways. i submit that you are all just jealous. actually, we've been dating for exactly one week as of today. we were flying over (more on that later) and we crossed the international date line, which gave me this great idea: "how about me and yvette start dating??" so, approaching her, we struck up a casual conversation about the date line, and dating in general, then dating in specifics. when all was said and done, the official begin of our official relationship was behind us, and we traded high-fives in the midst of all them rich business-class passengers.

whenever i fly, something always has to go wrong. it's a rule, and a warning for all of you whose dream it is to travel with me. this time was no exception. flying standby, we were printed fake boarding passes to get us through security and to our gate, where they would ultimately print us real ones. however, since standby travelers are clearly of only the most dangerous ilk, we are herded through to the EXTREME!! Security check. Having narrowly escaped with my life from the EXTREME!! Check i received, i was more than happy to take my ticket when offered to me and proceed post-haste to SeaTac's beloved if not completely outdated subway train, never realizing the stamp on my colleagues tickets was missing on my own. Fortunately for me, the gate agent at the airport did notice this, and refused to allow me to make my presence known on my beloved Boeing Overwater 777 until security had sent an emissary to beg forgiveness, offer a feast in supplication, shine the shoes of everyone on the room, and provide my ticket with the stamp that would allow me passage on the jetway to me awaiting seat. Needless to say, it took a while. in fact, i was held in the terminal until the exact moment of 12:43, a mere 2 minutes before my plane was supposed to be pushing back from the terminal and begin it's taxi to the runway. my relief was completed by falling asleep while waiting for takeoff and waking up when the help had begun to serve the first meal. all this goes to show, you can make me wait to get on the plane, but you can't make me wait to sleep. Stick it to the man!!

well, i'm on my way to the doctor to get some forms that allow me to do some other forms that may or may not prevent my imminent deportation. then i'm off to the non-internet-wired beach cabin until the 14th of august, until which time i will be unable, and also perhaps unwilling, to update this little fact sheet here. i will try to have a good time.


Anonymous said...

OhMan! i get it! the international DATEline. It's funny because 'dateline' has 'date' in it, and you guys are dating. oh man, thats awesome. good show.


jt said...

first of all why didn't someone tell me that you had a blog, second of all where's the link to my blog? hmmmmmm?

third of all, here's my blogger advice....write for yourself--as a way of getting in touch with your inner voice not to have people respond to you.

fourthly, i believe you're in japan so you can't respond to this for a while but i expect an explanation when you get back...