December 04, 2004

Look at me!! I'm 2 posts in 2 days!! OH BOY!!!

Sorry about that, but it had to be done. something about union rules or something...

There's different ways to spend my days. one way is to watch simpsons, movies, cartoons, etc. all day, then fall asleep on the couch, head filled with visions of what i spent my day on. then there's doing things that involve, well, doing things. these include (but are not limited to) work.

My job is, for the most part, awesome. i've been realizing more and more that i have the best job in the world. here's the thing- not only do i have to hang out with kids, which is rarely work, and almost always fun, but i have to develop Biblically-based messages and Christ-centered programs. all these things are not as fun for me, but develop me spiritually nevertheless. so, on top of getting paid to hang out with kids, i get paid to have an increasingly deep relationship with Jesus.

The danger is (there's always a danger) that i'm reading my Bible more and more with the "i have to give a sunday school lesson in 2 days" filter engaged, thus, and dangerously, and reminiscent of Bible college, the Bible becomes not an awesome thing to read and get closer to Jesus and understand the nature of God, it becomes an answer key that i rush to at the last minute. and why the last minute, you ask? why is it i always seem to get the least sleep on saturday night? because i procrastinate, that's why. some habits die hard, then there's some habits that don't die at all. and then there's the ones that you do flaming wheelchair-jousting with, but we don't talk about those.

So, if doing time-wasting things are negative points, and doing productive things are positive points, my days are getting more and more balanced. some days are in one extreme or the other, which is to be expected, but on average i think i'm getting better and better. which does not mean that i have all positive points, but rather means, i think, that i'm almost at zero at the end of the day. let's take today as an example:

overslept -1
didn't make breakfast -1
made permission slip for snow camp +1
practiced guitar +2
practiced guitar too long -1
didn't do dishes -1
watched CSI -1
knitted while watching CSI +0.5
bought printable overhead paper +1
worked on sunday school talk in starbucks +1
wrote blog +1
put off choosing games for youth group by writing blog -1

and i think that brings me right up to the present, with a killer score of 0.5!! i am a little sick, which i wish made all my positive points worth more and all my negative ones matter less, cuz really, who wants to work when they're sick!? i should grade myself on a curve when i'm sick. that's it!! bonus +50 for being sick.


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